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April 27, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 27, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Bob Kitson, Police Lieutenant; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Fire Chief, and Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector

FD – The tenants at 228 Horse Corner Road have still not contacted the Fire Department for a safety inspection.  The deadline was April 1, 2004.  

The fence at the safety complex needs repair.  Mr. Paveglio asked the Board who owned it.  He was advised to call Mr. Dennis Call to be sure.  

Mr. Paveglio invited the members of the Board to the fire department’s annual Auto Extrication Day.  The new equipment will be used.

The Fire Department concurs with the building inspector, that Harris Furniture will need to have a sprinkler system installed should they wish to do any kind of building project.  The building already exceeds the recommended allowance.

The Board was satisfied with the report from the department involving the Pound Road incident.  Selectman MacCleery suggested a log be kept when fire department vehicles are being used and for what purpose.

Hyw – Clean-up day produced a one ton load of trash.  A reminder was given to the town to inform BCEP prior to an event such as this so a release form can be signed.  Mr. Kenneally has responded to the violation from the Labor Board regarding the furnace.  All is now up to code.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he had been in contact with Mr. Marsh regarding the stone wall and culvert on Mr. Marsh’s property.  Mr. Kenneally has not been able to reach Mr. Marsh because he is out of town.  

The weight limit restriction has been lifted on all roads.

Selectman MacCleery asked what the highway department would be working on in the upcoming weeks.  Mr. Kenneally replied, grading roads. Selectman MacCleery asked Lisa to please include that information in the minutes.

Selectman MacCleery asked the Road Agent to be clearer on his invoices to the town.  If a mistake is made please issue a corrected invoice.

PD – Lieutenant Kitson introduced Mr. Scott Corbett as the newly hired full-time police officer.  He asked the Board to review a hiring proposal and three year contract for Mr. Corbett. With the Boards blessing, Mr. Corbett was sworn in by Chairman Colbert as the newest member of the Chichester Police Department.  Mr. Corbett will be attending the part-time police academy, beginning next week.  Once qualified, he will be able to cover shifts after minimal training from a fellow Chichester officer.  The full-time academy is scheduled for late August.  

The new cruiser is here and lights and lettering are scheduled for May 5, 2004.  Once that work is completed, it will be out on the road.

BI - Mr. Paveglio has been talking to other towns about building permit procedures.  Mr. Paveglio and the Board agree it is time to look into improving the procedure and maybe adjusting the fee schedule.  The Board would like Mr. Paveglio to bring a proposal to the Board for a new permit structure.  

The procedure for time limits on an issuance of a permit was discussed.  The current procedure allows the applicant thirty days notice from the date of Mr. Paveglio’s letter.  The Board voted to revise this procedure.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold to set a deadline of April 1st for the building inspector to notify all applicants on the building permit waiting list to secure their permit within thirty days or lose it for the current year.   All were in favor.

 SUBJECT: Grant for repair of the Ironwork on Thunder Bridge
Present: Lucille Noel

The historical society has written a grant to solicit funds of nine thousand six hundred dollars ($9,600), from the state’s conservation license plates program to fund the cost of repair work needed to the decorative iron work on Thunder Bridge. Ms. Noel needed a signature from the Selectman to complete the paperwork for submission.  

The Board inquired if the gravel had been removed from blocking access to the bridge.  Ms. Noel indicated that yes, it had been removed.  

SUBJECT: Public Access Options for the Sanborn/Cray Property  
Present: Mr. Bob Mann

The Conservation Commission has initiated talks with Mr. & Mrs. Plummer, whose property abuts the town Grange building, seeking public access for passive recreation on the Sanborn-Cray conservation parcel. Two options have been discussed; having the town purchase a right of way easement or purchasing some of the Plummer’s back acreage.
The lower parking lot at the town hall would be utilized as parking for this access.
The Board of Selectmen thin this is a good option.  The commission will continue their work and hold a public hearing if necessary.

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Mr. Mann explained the work done by the group Friends of the Suncook River.  The commission has decided to support this group because they are advocates of the Suncook River and the group is very active providing education and advocation for the protection of the river.  Selectman MacCleery had asked for information on the group.  Mr. MacCleery was not comfortable with the town contributing to a group like this.


The Board and Mr. Kenneally reviewed the engineering proposals for the Webster Mills Bridge Project.  All agreed they were not comfortable with the road agent doing the bridge work.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to have a roll call vote to select the engineering firm for the Webster Mills Bridge.  
Selectman MacCleery –  CLD
       Chairman Colbert        -  CLD
Selectman DeBold       -  SEA  
CLD was awarded the engineering proposal, with a vote of two – one.  Motion carries.

The Board directed Lisa to contact Mr. Scott Buchel, manager of the Hess Station, for an appointment with the Board next week.  

Lisa has talked with School Board chairman, Ben Brown and Sau #53 regarding the fuel bid.  The towns within Sau #53 are welcome to join with the school on the bid.  The Board agreed to join with Sau #53 for the fuel bid to increase the cost savings.  

The Selectmen reviewed the legal opinion from Attorney Mayer regarding zoning changes.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman MacCleery, to rescind the Impact Fee Waiver granted to Mr. Mark Drew for Map 1, Lot 4-4; due to the fact that zoning changes are retroactive to the date of the first notice of the proposed change.  The rescinding of the McKay’s waiver (March 30, 2004) stands.  The McKay’s and Mr. Drew’s requests were prior to the vote of Town Meeting but not prior to the time of the notice of changes regarding the zoning ordinances.  Lisa will send letters to both parties.  

The Selectmen reviewed the legal opinion from Attorney Mayer regarding junkyards.  The Board concurred with Mr. Mayer’s that vehicles whether registered or not, are considered junk per the revised statute.  The Selectman directed Lisa to send a letter to Mr. Hebert allowing him thirty (30) days to cleanup and make the cars road “worthy” or remove his junk vehicles from his property, with a copy of all communication going to Mr. Jameson.  

The Board discussed the correspondence from Attorney Mayer in regards to the tax deed procedure for Hilliard Road.  It appears the procedure was followed correctly.  Lisa will compile the amount of monies owed to the town and work on notification, once all work has been finalized for the first issue tax warrant.

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Correspondence from Mr. Giuda regarding the Current Use update was reviewed and discussed.  The Board directed Lisa to contact the assessor and make arrangements with them, for an appointment to walk Mr. Giuda’s property for a thorough review.  The Town has the firm of Avitar Associates on contract to handle the assessing needs of the town and as policy; the Board does not value individuals’ properties.  

The applicant for the office assistant position has declined the offer.  The Board gave further review to the list of applicants and advised Lisa to contact Ms. Hamer and offer her the position.  

The Selectmen’s office will be closed the next two Tuesdays.  Lisa will take care of the notices.    

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.  The minutes of April 20, 2004 were approved as written.

Being no further business, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN   _________________________                                         5/4/04
Stephen MacCleery

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